It’s February and here in New York’s northern suburbs, we’re still deep in the heart of winter. When it’s cold outside, one of your top priorities as a homeowner is to ensure that it’s warm inside – which is why consistent heating oil delivery is so very important.
And that’s where Robison comes in. For over 100 years, we’ve been supplying homeowners throughout Westchester and Putnam counties with heating oil delivery and all of the services needed for smooth-running home systems. One of the best ways to avoid the risk of running out of home heating oil is to have your system maintained by our professional technicians, coupled with regular monitoring of oil usage.
At Robison, we work to ensure our customers have the heating oil they need, and we offer a variety of monitoring tools to help avoid heating oil issues. Our goal is to make an oil delivery 5 to 7 days before your tank gets to a level where it can’t operate optimally. But if you do find yourself with very low levels of heating oil, here’s what to do:
SOS! Request Emergency Oil Delivery
If it’s been unusually cold and your oil usage level is higher than it typically is, as soon as you realize that your home heating oil tank is low, contact Robison and set up an appointment for quick delivery. If you tell us it’s an emergency, we’ll get to you right away. Our emergency plan is to utilize our technicians, working around the clock, to bring an emergency supply of oil (typically 10 to 15 gallons), which will keep you running until we can schedule a normal delivery to fill the tank.
Plan Ahead: Order Fuel Oil in Advance
If you see there are severe weather conditions on the horizon in your areas, check to ensure that you have enough oil to make it through the coming storm and the days that follow This will help you avoid any delivery delays that can be caused by inclement weather. If the ground is covered in snow, clear a path for our delivery driver to access your property and the fill pipe.
The Digital Age: Electronic Fuel Monitors
To further ensure you don’t run low on oil, if you have an above-ground oil tank, Robison can install an Electronic Fuel Monitor. These digital devices have an accuracy of 98% and send an alert to our delivery department when your tank is 25% full to help schedule a delivery for your account. Additionally, you can check daily readings yourself, on your Robison account page.
This Winter and All Year ‘Round, Robison Delivers for You
In addition to the monitoring details described above, we include the UltraGuard™ treatment with each delivery at no additional charge. UltraGuard™ is a heating oil treatment that improves fuel stability, extends equipment efficiency after a tune-up, and helps ensure your system is running at peak efficiency.
Be sure to ask about our convenient financing options as well. Between our flexible payment plans and our delivery & service plans, we can customize your program to best suit your needs. Find out more by calling us at (914) 345-5700!